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How to sign: an abnormal condition
Similiar / Same: abnormality, abnormal condition
Within this category: aberrance, abrachia, acardia, acephalia, acorea, acromicria, acromphalus, amastia, aneuploidy, anomaly, anorchism, arrested development, asynclitism, atresia, atypicality, brachytactyly, cryptorchidy, cyclopia, deviated septum, dextrocardia, dysplasia, ectrodactyly, erethism, fetal distress, gynecomastia, hepatomegaly, hydatid mole, hydramnios, hydrocephalus, hypervitaminosis, hypospadias, infantilism, inversion, irritation, lagophthalmos, macrencephaly, macrocephaly, mental abnormality, microbrachia, microcephaly, nanophthalmos, pachycheilia, palmature, phimosis, pneumothorax, progeria, retroversion, sequela, spinal curvature, strabismus, subnormality, torticollis, transposition, varix