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How to sign: a disease that typically does not affect human beings
Categories: disease
Within this category: anaplasmosis, aspergillosis, bighead, black disease, bovine spongiform encephalitis, bull nose, camelpox, canine chorea, chronic wasting disease, costiasis, cowpox, creeps, distemper, enterotoxemia, fistulous withers, foot-and-mouth disease, foot rot, fowl cholera, fowl pest, heaves, hemorrhagic septicemia, hog cholera, loco disease, mange, moon blindness, murrain, myxomatosis, Newcastle disease, pip, psittacosis, pullorum disease, red water, rhinotracheitis, rinderpest, saddle sore, sand crack, scours, scrapie, shipping fever, spavin, staggers, sweating sickness, Texas fever, trembles, warble, zoonosis