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How to sign: a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests
Similiar / Same: herbaceous plant
Categories: tracheophyte, vascular plant
Within this category: Abyssinian banana, acanthus, achillea, agrimonia, Alexander, alpine coltsfoot, alumroot, amaranth, American ginseng, anchusa, andryala, angelica, anise, apple of Peru, arnica, arum, asclepiad, asparagus, asparagus fern, aspidistra, astilbe, astrantia, Australian pitcher plant, ayapana, baby blue-eyes, balsamroot, banana, barilla, barrenwort, basil, basil thyme, bedstraw, beefsteak plant, belladonna, bergenia, bird's foot trefoil, bird of paradise, black horehound, black salsify, bladderpod, bladderpod, bladderpod, bleeding heart, bloodroot, bloodwort, blueweed, blue pimpernel, boneset, borage, breadroot, buckwheat, bugle, bugleweed, bur reed, bush pea, butterbur, buttercup, butterweed, button snakeroot, calamint, campanula, camphor dune tansy, canna, caraway, cardamom, carnivorous plant, carrot, caryophyllaceous plant, cat's foot, catmint, celeriac, celery, chaenactis, chamois cress, chamomile, chervil, chickweed, chicory, Chinese forget-me-not, clammyweed, climbing onion, clover, cockscomb, coleus, coltsfoot, columbo, comfrey, common amsinckia, common unicorn plant, coral necklace, coreopsis, coriander, corn salad, costmary, costusroot, cottonweed, cow parsley, cow parsnip, creeping zinnia, crotalaria, crucifer, cumin, cupflower, dagga, dandelion, dead nettle, dill, dock, dog's mercury, dog fennel, draba, dragonhead, drypis, Dutchman's breeches, earthnut, eggplant, Egyptian henbane, elephant's-foot, elsholtzia, endive, evening primrose, false bugbane, false foxglove, false foxglove, false gromwell, false nettle, false rue anemone, fennel, fenugreek, feverfew, feverroot, fiesta flower, flax, fleabane, foamflower, forget-me-not, foxglove, fraxinella, fringepod, fumitory, galax, garden forget-me-not, geranium, gesneria, giant buttercup, giant hyssop, ginger, ginseng, gipsywort, glasswort, globeflower, globe thistle, goat's rue, goldenseal, golden groundsel, goldthread, goosefoot, grains of paradise, gramineous plant, green gentian, gromwell, ground cherry, gumweed, halogeton, hawkweed, hawkweed, heartleaf, hedge mustard, hedge nettle, hedge nettle, hemp agrimony, hemp nettle, henbane, hepatica, herbage, herb mercury, herb Paris, hoary alison, hoary puccoon, honesty, horehound, horseradish, horse balm, hound's-tongue, hound's-tongue, hyssop, Indian lettuce, Indian plantain, inula, ironweed, jewelweed, Joe-Pye weed, Joe-Pye weed, kangaroo paw, kidney vetch, kniphofia, krigia, ladies' tobacco, lamb succory, large-flowered fiddleneck, legume, lemon balm, leopard's-bane, leopard plant, lettuce, licorice, lion's-ear, lion's foot, loasa, lobelia, loosestrife, lovage, mandrake, maranta, marsh felwort, martynia, mayapple, medic, milkweed, milk thistle, mint, miterwort, molucca balm, monarda, moon carrot, motherwort, mountain mint, mouse-ear chickweed, mullein, mustang mint, nasturtium, nemophila, New Zealand spinach, okra, one-flowered wintergreen, orach, origanum, oxalis, parsley, parsnip, pellitory, pellitory-of-the-wall, pennyroyal, peperomia, periwinkle, phlox, physostegia, pia, pickaback plant, pimpernel, pineapple, pineapple weed, pipsissewa, plantain, plantain lily, plumbago, pokeweed, polemonium, prairie mimosa, prickly poppy, primrose, pteropogon, puccoon, purslane, pyrethrum, rattlesnake root, rattlesnake root, red fox, reseda, rhubarb, rocket, rock purslane, rosemary, rue, safflower, sage, sainfoin, salad burnet, salpiglossis, salsify, sand devil's claw, sanicle, savory, savory, sawwort, saxifrage, scentless camomile, Scopolia carniolica, sea-rocket, sea kale, sea milkwort, sedum, self-heal, sesame, shamrock pea, sheep plant, simple, sneezeweed, spiderflower, spiderwort, spurge nettle, squirrel corn, stapelia, stevia, stevia, stickweed, stonecress, stone parsley, strawberry, suksdorfia, sweet cicely, sweet coltsfoot, sweet false chamomile, sweet unicorn plant, tansy-leaved rocket, tansy mustard, tarweed, tassel flower, tassel flower, teasel, thorny amaranth, thyme, tobacco, tomato, turfing daisy, turfing daisy, turmeric, umbellifer, umbrella plant, vegetable, vegetable sheep, viola, Virginia bluebell, wall rocket, waterleaf, water horehound, white rocket, white snakeroot, wild basil, wild celery, wild ginger, wild licorice, wild senna, wild vanilla, willowherb, winged pea, wintergreen, winter aconite, winter heliotrope, woad, wood mint, wort, yellow bells, yerba buena, yerba mansa