BSL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: a group of persons together in one place

gathering in BSL Watch how to sign gathering in British Sign Language
gathering - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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assemblage in BSL Watch how to sign assemblage in British Sign Language
assemblage - University of Wolverhampton
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Similiar / Same: gathering

Categories: social group

Within this category: assembly, audience, bevy, body, building, camp, carload, cast, class, class, commune, community, contingent, convocation, cortege, covey, crowd, crowd, fair, floor, meeting, multitude, municipality, muster, octet, pair, quartet, quintet, quorum, rally, rap group, rave-up, room, septet, sextet, social gathering, table, trio, turnout, wine tasting


How to sign: the social act of assembling
"they demanded the right of assembly";

gathering in BSL Watch how to sign gathering in British Sign Language
gathering - University of Wolverhampton
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Similiar / Same: gathering, assembly

Categories: group action

Within this category: concentration, congregation, convention, convocation, meeting, mobilization


How to sign: several things grouped together or considered as a whole

collection in BSL Watch how to sign collection in British Sign Language
collection - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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Similiar / Same: collection, aggregation, accumulation

Categories: group, grouping

Within this category: agglomeration, ana, armamentarium, art collection, Asia, assortment, aviation, backlog, batch, batch, battery, biota, block, book, bottle collection, bunch, Central America, class, coin collection, collage, combination, congregation, content, convoy, corpus, crop, data, defense, ensemble, Europe, exhibition, fauna, findings, fleet, fleet, fleet, Free World, French West Indies, galaxy, galaxy, generally accepted accounting practices, gimmickry, hand, hit parade, job lot, Judaica, kludge, law, library, library, long suit, mail, mass, menagerie, mythology, Nag Hammadi, North America, nuclear club, Oort cloud, pack, package, pantheon, petting zoo, pharmacopoeia, pile, planting, population, procession, prosecution, repertoire, repertory, rogue's gallery, set, signage, smithereens, South America, stamp collection, statuary, string, sum, tenantry, Third World, traffic, treasure, treasure trove, troponymy, vegetation, Victoriana, wardrobe, wardrobe, weaponry, Wise Men

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