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How to sign: a low woody perennial plant usually having several major branches

bushes in BSL Watch how to sign bushes in British Sign Language
bushes - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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Bush in BSL Watch how to sign Bush in British Sign Language
Bush - Exeter Deaf Academy More details
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Similiar / Same: shrub

Categories: ligneous plant, woody plant

Within this category: abelia, African hemp, allspice, alpine azalea, alpine totara, American angelica tree, amorpha, Anadenanthera colubrina, andromeda, andromeda, angel's trumpet, angel's trumpet, Apalachicola rosemary, arbutus, arrow wood, arrow wood, artemisia, Australian heath, banksia, barbasco, barberry, bean caper, bean trefoil, bearberry, beauty bush, bird's-eye bush, bitter pea, blackthorn, black haw, bladder senna, blolly, blueberry, blue cohosh, box, bracelet wood, bridal wreath, bristly locust, broom, bryanthus, buckler mustard, buckthorn, buckthorn, burning bush, bushman's poison, bush hibiscus, bush honeysuckle, bush honeysuckle, bush poppy, butcher's broom, butterfly bush, butterfly flower, calliandra, camellia, candlewood, cannabis, caper, capsicum, caricature plant, carissa, cassava, castor-oil plant, cat's-claw, Catha edulis, chalice vine, chanar, chaparral pea, cherry laurel, Chilean firebush, Chilean nut, Chilean rimu, Chinese angelica, Chinese holly, Christ's-thorn, Christmasberry, cinquefoil, climbing hydrangea, columnea, common flat pea, coralberry, coralberry, coral bush, corkwood, coronilla, cotoneaster, cotton, coyote brush, cranberry, cranberry bush, crape jasmine, crape myrtle, creosote bush, croton, croton, crowberry, currant, cushion flower, cyrilla, daisybush, Dalmatian laburnum, daphne, day jessamine, derris, desert willow, dog laurel, dombeya, dusty miller, dwarf golden chinkapin, elder, ephedra, Erythroxylon coca, Erythroxylon truxiuense, false azalea, false tamarisk, feijoa, fetterbush, fetterbush, fever tree, flame pea, flannelbush, flat pea, flowering quince, flowering shrub, forestiera, forsythia, fothergilla, frangipani, fuchsia, gardenia, geebung, glory pea, goldenbush, gooseberry, gorse, governor's plum, greasewood, grevillea, groundsel tree, guelder rose, guinea gold vine, hamelia, hawthorn, heath, helianthemum, hiccup nut, Himalaya honeysuckle, hoary golden bush, honeyflower, honeysuckle, honey bell, hovea, huckleberry, huckleberry oak, hydrangea, impala lily, Indian rhododendron, indigo, Japanese angelica tree, Japan allspice, jasmine, Jerusalem thorn, jujube, Juneberry, Jupiter's beard, kalmia, kapuka, kei apple, Labrador tea, lady-of-the-night, laurel sumac, lavender, lavender cotton, leadwort, leatherleaf, leatherwood, leucothoe, lilac, lomatia, lotus tree, makomako, maleberry, mallow, manzanita, marlberry, marmalade bush, matrimony vine, Medinilla magnifica, mesquite, mimosa, minniebush, mock privet, mountain rimu, mucuna, mule fat, mutisia, Mysore thorn, naranjilla, native cranberry, native pear, needlebush, needlewood, negro peach, night jasmine, oleaster, Oregon grape, Oregon grape, othonna, paloverde, patchouli, pavonia, pea tree, pepper shrub, phalsa, philadelphus, pichi, pigeon pea, pink fivecorner, pitcher sage, poison bush, potato tree, privet, protea, puka, Pyracantha, pyxie, rauwolfia, red angel's trumpet, red shrubby penstemon, retem, rhododendron, rockrose, rooibos, rose, Russian thistle, sabicu, salal, saltbush, saltwort, saltwort, salt tree, sand cherry, sand myrtle, screw tree, sea holly, senna, shrublet, silversword, slipper spurge, smoke bush, smoke tree, smoke tree, sow thistle, spicebush, spindle tree, spirea, spurge, staff tree, staggerbush, stephanotis, strawberry bush, strophanthus, styrax, subshrub, sumac, summer cypress, swamp oak, sweet bells, sweet fern, sweet gale, sweet pepperbush, tagasaste, tamarisk, Tasman dwarf pine, tea, telegraph plant, thorn apple, three-seeded mercury, ti, toyon, trailing arbutus, trapper's tea, tree lupine, tree mallow, tree tomato, umbrella tree, undershrub, wahoo, waratah, waratah, wax myrtle, wayfaring tree, weigela, western redbud, wild cinnamon, wild peach, wild rosemary, winged pigweed, winter hazel, winter sweet, witch hazel, xylosma, yellow oleander, yerba santa, yucca

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