BSL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: narrow-leaved green herbage: grown as lawns; used as pasture for grazing animals; cut and dried as hay

grass in BSL Watch how to sign grass in British Sign Language
grass - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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Categories: graminaceous plant, gramineous plant

Within this category: Bahia grass, beach grass, bent, Bermuda grass, bluegrass, bluestem, brome, broom grass, buffalo grass, bunchgrass, burgrass, canary grass, cereal, cordgrass, crabgrass, creeping soft grass, dallisgrass, dropseed, feathertop, fescue, finger grass, fountain grass, giant star grass, goat grass, grama, hardinggrass, knotgrass, love grass, lyme grass, meadowgrass, midgrass, munj, nimblewill, orchard grass, pampas grass, plumed tussock, plume grass, reed canary grass, reed grass, rush grass, rye grass, sandbur, sheep fescue, shortgrass, silver grass, St. Augustine grass, sword grass, tallgrass, tall oat grass, timothy, velvet grass, wheatgrass, wild rye, zoysia

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