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How to sign: the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques
Similiar / Same: medical specialty
Categories: medical science
Within this category: allergology, anesthesiology, angiology, bacteriology, biomedicine, biomedicine, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, emergency medicine, endocrinology, epidemiology, forensic medicine, gastroenterology, geriatrics, gynecology, hematology, hygiene, immunology, internal medicine, nephrology, neurology, neuropsychiatry, nosology, nuclear medicine, obstetrics, oncology, ophthalmology, otology, pediatrics, pharmacology, pharmacy, podiatry, proctology, prosthetics, psychiatry, rheumatology, space medicine, sports medicine, therapeutics, thoracic medicine, traumatology, tropical medicine, urology, veterinary medicine, virology
How to sign: (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease
Similiar / Same: medication, medicament, medicinal drug
Categories: drug
Within this category: acyclovir, alendronate, allopurinol, amrinone, analgesic, angiogenesis inhibitor, anti-inflammatory, antiarrhythmic, antibacterial, anticholinergic, anticholinesterase, anticoagulant, anticonvulsant, antidepressant, antidiabetic, antidiarrheal, antidiuretic, antiemetic, antihistamine, antihypertensive, antiprotozoal, antipyretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitussive, antiviral, APC, astringent, atomic cocktail, azathioprine, blocker, bronchodilator, calcium blocker, carminative, clofibrate, clopidogrel bisulfate, cold medicine, counterirritant, cytotoxic drug, decongestant, demulcent, diaphoretic, disulfiram, dose, Drixoral, drug cocktail, expectorant, fixed-combination drug, gemfibrozil, hematinic, herbal medicine, histamine blocker, immunosuppressant, inhalant, isoproterenol, isosorbide, lipid-lowering medicine, methacholine, nux vomica, over-the-counter drug, oxytocic, paregoric, patent medicine, penicillamine, pentylenetetrazol, pharmaceutical, placebo, powder, prescription drug, probenecid, purgative, remedy, rubefacient, sedative, soothing syrup, specific, sucralfate, suppository, tincture, tonic, tyrosine kinase inhibitor, vermicide, vermifuge