BSL Sign Language Dictionary

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GCSE vocabulary Signature Level 1 Award

How to sign: change location; move, travel, or proceed
"How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before ni;

go in BSL Watch how to sign go in British Sign Language
go - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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go in BSL Watch how to sign go in British Sign Language
go - QIA Dictionary of ICT
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go in BSL Watch how to sign go in British Sign Language
go - National Deaf Children's Society More details
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go in BSL Watch how to sign go in British Sign Language
go - Karl O'Keeffe More details
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go in BSL Watch how to sign go in British Sign Language
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Go in BSL Watch how to sign Go in British Sign Language
Go - Nathanael Farley
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Go (directional) in BSL Watch how to sign Go (directional) in British Sign Language
Go (directional) - Nathanael Farley
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go in BSL Watch how to sign go in British Sign Language
go - Famlingo More details
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See also: go past, elapse, slip by, glide by, go by, slide by, abscond, absquatulate, advance, go off, travel by, pass by, run off, rise, move up, go up, go under, descend, go down, come down, go under, proceed, circulate, recede, march on, withdraw, move on, retreat, pull away, draw back, pull back, move back, advance, climb, move on, march on, climb up, slip away, continue, go around, go down, pass, go by, go down, go under, move out, fall, decamp, progress, progress, carry on, go on, go along, go on, surpass, retire, pass on, pass on, go on, pass, sink, lift, sink, bolt, arise, go out, go up, settle, settle, uprise, come up, mount, lapse, spread, go down, set

Similiar / Same: travel, go, locomote

Within this category: accompany, advance, angle, ascend, automobile, back, bang, beetle, betake oneself, billow, bounce, breeze, career, carry, circle, circle, circuit, circulate, come, come, crawl, cruise, derail, descend, do, drag, draw, drive, drive, ease, fall, fall, ferry, float, float, float, flock, fly, fly, follow, follow, forge, get around, ghost, glide, go around, hiss, hurtle, island hop, lance, lurch, outflank, pace, pan, pass, pass over, play, plow, prance, precede, precess, proceed, propagate, pursue, push, raft, repair, retreat, retrograde, return, ride, ride, ride, rise, roll, round, run, run, rush, scramble, seek, shuttle, sift, ski, slice into, slither, snowshoe, speed, steam, step, step, step, stray, swap, swash, swim, swing, taxi, trail, transfer, travel, travel, travel, travel by, travel purposefully, travel rapidly, trundle, turn, walk, walk, weave, wend, wheel, whine, whish, whisk, whistle, withdraw, zigzag, zoom


How to sign: a change of position that does not entail a change of location
"the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise"; "movement is a sign of life"; "an impatient move of his hand"; "gastrointestinal motility";

motion in BSL Watch how to sign motion in British Sign Language
motion - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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movement in BSL Watch how to sign movement in British Sign Language
movement - University of Wolverhampton
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movement in BSL Watch how to sign movement in British Sign Language
movement - University of Wolverhampton
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movement in BSL Watch how to sign movement in British Sign Language
movement - University of Wolverhampton
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movement in BSL Watch how to sign movement in British Sign Language
movement - University of Wolverhampton
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movement in BSL Watch how to sign movement in British Sign Language
movement - University of Wolverhampton
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Similiar / Same: movement, motility, motion

Categories: change

Within this category: abduction, adduction, agitation, body English, circumduction, disturbance, eurythmy, fetal movement, flit, gesture, headshake, inclination, inversion, inversion, jerk, kick, kneel, lurch, nystagmus, opening, prostration, reach, reciprocation, reclining, retraction, retroflection, rotation, shutting, sitting, sitting, snap, squat, standing, straddle, stroke, sweep, toss, vibration, wave, waver, wiggle


How to sign: cause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
"Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant";

move in BSL Watch how to sign move in British Sign Language
move - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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Similiar / Same: displace

Within this category: advance, agitate, beat, blow, brandish, center, change hands, chase away, circulate, circulate, dandle, disarrange, dislocate, displace, drag, drive, drop, engage, expel, expel, exteriorize, flick, fluctuate, funnel, glide, herd, hit, hustle, jar, lateralize, launch, lift, lift, lower, mobilize, overturn, play, pour, press down, propel, pull, pull, pulse, pump, push, put, race, raise, rake, relocate, rock, roll, rout out, run, saltate, scan, send, separate, shift, singsong, sink, slide, spill, spill, station, stir, swing, take back, transfer, transfer, translate, translate, transmit, transport, transport, transport, tug, turn, turn, turn, unseat, unwind, uproot, upstage, wash, wedge, whistle, whoosh, wind, work, work

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