BSL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: an amount of time
"a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period";

period in BSL Watch how to sign period in British Sign Language
period - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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period in BSL Watch how to sign period in British Sign Language
period - University of Wolverhampton
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Similiar / Same: time period, period of time

Categories: fundamental measure, fundamental quantity

Within this category: air alert, bimester, bimillennium, bronze age, Bronze Age, calendar day, calendar month, century, clotting time, dawn, day, day, decade, Depression, dog days, downtime, drought, duration, elapsed time, enlistment, Eolithic Age, era, eve, evening, evening, festival, field day, flower, fortnight, generation, Golden Age, great year, half-century, half life, honeymoon, hospitalization, hour, hours, incubation period, Indian summer, indiction, iron age, Iron Age, lactation, lease, life, life, life, long run, long time, Lower Paleolithic, lustrum, Mesolithic Age, mid-April, mid-August, mid-December, mid-February, mid-January, mid-July, mid-June, mid-March, mid-May, mid-November, mid-October, mid-September, Middle Paleolithic, midwinter, millennium, morning, multistage, Neolithic Age, night, night, night, night, novitiate, occupation, Olympiad, overtime, Paleolithic Age, past, peacetime, period, phase, phase of the moon, prehistory, prohibition, puerperium, quarter, quarter-century, question time, rainy day, real time, real time, regulation time, reign, run, running time, school, season, season, season, semester, shelf life, silly season, silver age, sleep, Stone Age, study hall, term, tide, time, time, time frame, time limit, time off, time of life, travel time, trial period, trimester, Upper Paleolithic, uptime, usance, wartime, watch, week, week, weekend, window, work time, year, year, year, youth


How to sign: the monthly discharge of blood from the uterus of nonpregnant women from puberty to menopause
"the women were sickly and subject to excessive menstruation"; "a woman does not take the gout unless her menses be stopped"--Hippocrates; "the semen begins to;

period in BSL Watch how to sign period in British Sign Language
period - Scottish Sensory Centre More details
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Similiar / Same: menstruation, menses, catamenia, menstruum, flow

Categories: discharge, emission, expelling

Within this category: menorrhagia, oligomenorrhea

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