BSL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc
"according to his statement he was in London on that day";

statement in BSL Watch how to sign statement in British Sign Language
statement - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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statement in BSL Watch how to sign statement in British Sign Language
statement - QIA Dictionary of ICT
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Categories: content, message, subject matter, substance

Within this category: agreement, amendment, announcement, announcement, answer, assurance, bid, Bill of Rights, cautious statement, comment, condition, declaration, declaration, description, estimate, explanans, explanation, explicandum, falsehood, formula, formula, mathematical statement, misstatement, negation, pleading, prediction, proposition, quotation, recital, remark, representation, representation, reservation, restatement, rhetorical question, solution, summary, thing, truth, understatement, value statement, word


How to sign: a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
"it was a strong argument that his hypothesis was true";

argument in BSL Watch how to sign argument in British Sign Language
argument - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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argument in BSL Watch how to sign argument in British Sign Language
argument - QIA Dictionary of ICT
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Similiar / Same: argument

Categories: evidence

Within this category: adducing, case, clincher, con, counterargument, last word, pro, proof, specious argument

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