BSL Sign Language Dictionary

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How to sign: a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms

tree in BSL Watch how to sign tree in British Sign Language
tree - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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trees in BSL Watch how to sign trees in British Sign Language
trees - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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Tree in BSL Watch how to sign Tree in British Sign Language
Tree - Exeter Deaf Academy More details
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tree in BSL Watch how to sign tree in British Sign Language
tree - Karl O'Keeffe More details
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Tree in BSL Watch how to sign Tree in British Sign Language
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tree in BSL Watch how to sign tree in British Sign Language
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Categories: ligneous plant, woody plant

Within this category: aalii, acacia, African walnut, albizzia, alder, angelim, angiospermous tree, anise tree, arbor, aroeira blanca, ash, Australian nettle, balata, bayberry, bean tree, beech, birch, bitterwood tree, blackwood, black mangrove, bloodwood tree, bonduc, bonsai, bottle-tree, brazilian ironwood, Brazilian pepper tree, brazilwood, breakax, Burma padauk, button tree, cabbage tree, calaba, calabash, camwood, caracolito, carib wood, cassia, casuarina, chaulmoogra, chestnut, chinaberry, Chinese parasol tree, Christmas bush, cinchona, clusia, cockspur, cocobolo, coffee, conacaste, coralwood, coral tree, cork tree, dagame, devilwood, dhak, dhawa, dipterocarp, dita, divi-divi, ebony, elm, fever tree, fig tree, fringe tree, giant chinkapin, gliricidia, granadilla tree, guama, Guinea pepper, gum tree, gutta-percha tree, gutta-percha tree, gymnospermous tree, hackberry, hazel, hop hornbeam, hornbeam, Hydnocarpus laurifolia, ice-cream bean, idesia, incense tree, Indian beech, inga, ivory tree, Jamaican cherry, Jamaica dogwood, Japanese pagoda tree, Kentucky coffee tree, ketembilla, keurboom, keurboom, kingwood, kino, kowhai, lacebark, lancewood, lanseh tree, laurelwood, lead tree, lemonwood, lepidobotrys, linden, locust tree, mahogany, manila tamarind, marblewood, Maria, marmalade tree, mayeng, mescal bean, millettia, Montezuma, msasa, nakedwood, necklace tree, neem, nitta tree, oak, oak chestnut, obeche, opepe, padauk, palm, palo verde, pandanus, pepper tree, pepper tree, Peruvian balsam, plane tree, pollard, poon, prickly ash, prickly ash, princewood, puka, quandong, quandong, quira, red sandalwood, red silk-cotton tree, ribbon tree, rosewood, rose chestnut, sandalwood tree, sapling, satinwood, scarlet wisteria tree, scrub beefwood, shade tree, shaving-brush tree, shingle tree, silver ash, silver tree, silver tree, sissoo, snag, soapberry, souari, southern beech, Spanish tamarind, tanbark oak, teak, tipu, tolu tree, treelet, tree of knowledge, trifoliate orange, tulipwood tree, turreae, wheel tree, white mangrove, white mangrove, wild fig, wild medlar, wild tamarind, willow, winter's bark, yellowwood, zebrawood


How to sign: a figure that branches from a single root
"genealogical tree";

tree in BSL Watch how to sign tree in British Sign Language
tree - QIA Dictionary of ICT
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Similiar / Same: tree diagram

Categories: plane figure, two-dimensional figure

Within this category: cladogram, stemma

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