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How to sign: writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)

author in BSL Watch how to sign author in British Sign Language
author - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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writer in BSL Watch how to sign writer in British Sign Language
writer - University of Bristol & Deaf Studies Trust
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Similiar / Same: writer

Categories: communicator

Within this category: abstractor, Aiken, Alger, Algren, alliterator, Andersen, Anderson, Aragon, Asch, Asimov, Auchincloss, Austen, authoress, Baldwin, Baraka, Barth, Barthelme, Baum, Beckett, Beerbohm, Belloc, Bellow, Benchley, Benet, Bierce, biographer, Boll, Bontemps, Borges, Boswell, Boyle, Bradbury, Bronte, Bronte, Bronte, Browne, Buck, Bunyan, Burgess, Burnett, Burroughs, Burroughs, Cabell, Caldwell, Calvino, Camus, Canetti, Capek, Carroll, Cather, Cervantes, Chandler, Chateaubriand, Cheever, Chesterton, Chopin, Christie, Churchill, Clemens, coauthor, Cocteau, Colette, Collins, commentator, Conan Doyle, Conrad, contributor, Cooper, Crane, cummings, cyberpunk, Day, Defoe, De Quincey, Dickens, Didion, Dinesen, Doctorow, Dostoyevsky, Dos Passos, drafter, dramatist, Dreiser, Dumas, Durrell, du Maurier, du Maurier, Ehrenberg, Eliot, Ellison, Emerson, encyclopedist, essayist, Farrell, Ferber, Fielding, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, Fleming, folk writer, Ford, Forester, framer, France, Franklin, Fuentes, Gaboriau, gagman, Galsworthy, Gardner, Gaskell, Geisel, ghostwriter, Gibran, Gide, Gjellerup, Gogol, Golding, Goldsmith, Gombrowicz, Goncourt, Goncourt, Gordimer, Gorky, Gothic romancer, Grahame, Grass, Graves, Greene, Grey, Grimm, Grimm, hack, Haggard, Haldane, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hammett, Hamsun, Hardy, Harris, Harte, Hasek, Hawthorne, Hecht, Heinlein, Heller, Hemingway, Hesse, Heyse, Heyward, Higginson, Hoffmann, Holmes, Howells, Hoyle, Hubbard, Hughes, Hunt, Huxley, Irving, Irving, Isherwood, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobs, James, Jensen, Johnson, Jong, journalist, Joyce, Kafka, Keller, Kerouac, Kesey, Kipling, Koestler, Lardner, Lawrence, Lawrence, La Fontaine, La Rochefoucauld, Leonard, Lermontov, Lessing, Lewis, Lewis, le Carre, librettist, London, Lowry, Lyly, lyricist, Lytton, Mailer, Malamud, Malory, Malraux, Mann, Mansfield, Manzoni, Marquand, Marsh, Mason, Maugham, Maupassant, Mauriac, Maurois, McCarthy, McCullers, McLuhan, Melville, Merton, Michener, Miller, Milne, Mitchell, Mitford, Mitford, Montaigne, Montgomery, More, Morrison, Munro, Murdoch, Musset, Nabokov, Nash, Nicolson, Norris, novelist, O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Flaherty, O'Hara, Oates, Ondaatje, Orczy, Orwell, Page, pamphleteer, paragrapher, Parker, Pasternak, Paton, Percy, Petronius, Plath, Pliny, Pliny, Poe, poet, polemicist, Porter, Porter, Post, Pound, Pynchon, Rand, rhymer, Richler, Roberts, Roosevelt, Roth, Rousseau, Runyon, Rushdie, Russell, Sade, Salinger, Sand, Sandburg, Saroyan, Sayers, scenarist, Schiller, Scott, scriptwriter, Service, Shaw, Shelley, Shute, Simenon, Sinclair, Singer, Smollett, Snow, Solzhenitsyn, Sontag, space writer, Spark, speechwriter, Spillane, Stael, Steele, Stein, Steinbeck, Stendhal, Stephen, Sterne, Stevenson, Stockton, Stoker, Stowe, Strindberg, Styron, Sue, Symonds, Thackeray, Thoreau, Tocqueville, Toklas, Tolkien, Tolstoy, tragedian, Trollope, Turgenev, Undset, Untermeyer, Updike, Van Doren, Vargas Llosa, Verne, Vidal, Voltaire, Vonnegut, Wain, Walker, Wallace, Walpole, Walton, Ward, Warren, Waugh, Webb, Wells, Welty, Werfel, West, Wharton, White, White, Wiesel, Wilde, Wilder, Wilson, Wilson, Wister, Wodehouse, Wolfe, Wolfe, Wollstonecraft, Wood, Woolf, word-painter, wordmonger, wordsmith, Wouk, Wright, Wright, Zangwill, Zweig

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