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How to sign: writes (books or stories or articles or the like) professionally (for pay)
Similiar / Same: writer
Categories: communicator
Within this category: abstractor, Aiken, Alger, Algren, alliterator, Andersen, Anderson, Aragon, Asch, Asimov, Auchincloss, Austen, authoress, Baldwin, Baraka, Barth, Barthelme, Baum, Beckett, Beerbohm, Belloc, Bellow, Benchley, Benet, Bierce, biographer, Boll, Bontemps, Borges, Boswell, Boyle, Bradbury, Bronte, Bronte, Bronte, Browne, Buck, Bunyan, Burgess, Burnett, Burroughs, Burroughs, Cabell, Caldwell, Calvino, Camus, Canetti, Capek, Carroll, Cather, Cervantes, Chandler, Chateaubriand, Cheever, Chesterton, Chopin, Christie, Churchill, Clemens, coauthor, Cocteau, Colette, Collins, commentator, Conan Doyle, Conrad, contributor, Cooper, Crane, cummings, cyberpunk, Day, Defoe, De Quincey, Dickens, Didion, Dinesen, Doctorow, Dostoyevsky, Dos Passos, drafter, dramatist, Dreiser, Dumas, Durrell, du Maurier, du Maurier, Ehrenberg, Eliot, Ellison, Emerson, encyclopedist, essayist, Farrell, Ferber, Fielding, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, Fleming, folk writer, Ford, Forester, framer, France, Franklin, Fuentes, Gaboriau, gagman, Galsworthy, Gardner, Gaskell, Geisel, ghostwriter, Gibran, Gide, Gjellerup, Gogol, Golding, Goldsmith, Gombrowicz, Goncourt, Goncourt, Gordimer, Gorky, Gothic romancer, Grahame, Grass, Graves, Greene, Grey, Grimm, Grimm, hack, Haggard, Haldane, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hammett, Hamsun, Hardy, Harris, Harte, Hasek, Hawthorne, Hecht, Heinlein, Heller, Hemingway, Hesse, Heyse, Heyward, Higginson, Hoffmann, Holmes, Howells, Hoyle, Hubbard, Hughes, Hunt, Huxley, Irving, Irving, Isherwood, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacobs, James, Jensen, Johnson, Jong, journalist, Joyce, Kafka, Keller, Kerouac, Kesey, Kipling, Koestler, Lardner, Lawrence, Lawrence, La Fontaine, La Rochefoucauld, Leonard, Lermontov, Lessing, Lewis, Lewis, le Carre, librettist, London, Lowry, Lyly, lyricist, Lytton, Mailer, Malamud, Malory, Malraux, Mann, Mansfield, Manzoni, Marquand, Marsh, Mason, Maugham, Maupassant, Mauriac, Maurois, McCarthy, McCullers, McLuhan, Melville, Merton, Michener, Miller, Milne, Mitchell, Mitford, Mitford, Montaigne, Montgomery, More, Morrison, Munro, Murdoch, Musset, Nabokov, Nash, Nicolson, Norris, novelist, O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Flaherty, O'Hara, Oates, Ondaatje, Orczy, Orwell, Page, pamphleteer, paragrapher, Parker, Pasternak, Paton, Percy, Petronius, Plath, Pliny, Pliny, Poe, poet, polemicist, Porter, Porter, Post, Pound, Pynchon, Rand, rhymer, Richler, Roberts, Roosevelt, Roth, Rousseau, Runyon, Rushdie, Russell, Sade, Salinger, Sand, Sandburg, Saroyan, Sayers, scenarist, Schiller, Scott, scriptwriter, Service, Shaw, Shelley, Shute, Simenon, Sinclair, Singer, Smollett, Snow, Solzhenitsyn, Sontag, space writer, Spark, speechwriter, Spillane, Stael, Steele, Stein, Steinbeck, Stendhal, Stephen, Sterne, Stevenson, Stockton, Stoker, Stowe, Strindberg, Styron, Sue, Symonds, Thackeray, Thoreau, Tocqueville, Toklas, Tolkien, Tolstoy, tragedian, Trollope, Turgenev, Undset, Untermeyer, Updike, Van Doren, Vargas Llosa, Verne, Vidal, Voltaire, Vonnegut, Wain, Walker, Wallace, Walpole, Walton, Ward, Warren, Waugh, Webb, Wells, Welty, Werfel, West, Wharton, White, White, Wiesel, Wilde, Wilder, Wilson, Wilson, Wister, Wodehouse, Wolfe, Wolfe, Wollstonecraft, Wood, Woolf, word-painter, wordmonger, wordsmith, Wouk, Wright, Wright, Zangwill, Zweig